Wednesday 3 March 2010

Year Book

Recent family issues meant i didn't hit the ground running for the year book pitch with Jimmy, Andy and Karl. Below you'll find the various steps we went through in generating the unsuccessful pitch.

We focussed upon the idea of building blocks and building upon the existing reputation of the course established by last years third years. [Edit] Unfortunately the use of the blocks was the reason why we lost the year book, stating it was too similar to last year.

Now we had our chosen theme, We all went away and designed different cover ideas. We figured this was an ideal place to start and work as a foundation for the rest of the project. An idea we had was to keep everything minimal and where possible just using black and white so as to not distract attention away from the work.
My ideas for the front cover were influenced by simplistic dutch design using simple shapes and layout to form a high impact cover.

The designs below started to make more relevance and made use of sequence, [Edit]which also informed the flip book style page number blocks later on.

Jimmys Ideas


McGows ideas

We all produced different covers but decided to run with the cover idea that Mcgow had designed. It was my job then to experiment with variations of this initial design. It reminded me of the building blocks you get to play with when you are a kid.

It was considered however that this may be a bit childish.

The final cover design we opted for was this one,where the lighter shades of grey would be a gloss finish.

We continued to explore the building block idea and decided upon making the images up from little squares.

Karl did a terrific job of experimenting with the images, and i don't think the filters made the photos eligible, but as was said in the feedback session we had afterwards, it felt too graphicky.


McGow the grid master created numerous grids and we decided upon the grid above and me, him and Jimmy sat and worked one night on fixing down a layout and page variations.

The small boxes in the corner were an idea we had about creating a flick book effect with the page numbers. The book started with one small square and worked up to a larger pyramid.


Full Bleed imagery was well received in the feedback session

These are the final boards that we submitted. Unfortunately we didn't win the brief, but it was an interesting experience in dealing with printers trying to get quotes, looking at stocks and working on a collaborative brief again was insightful, inspiring and has had an effect upon my type, grid and layout skills. I've also started to advance my skills in Indesign even further and know how to set up various grid systems and their various settings, master pages, pagination. 

Me and Andy may also the opportunity of producing the Art and Interdisciplinary Year Book, so i'll be continuing that in a new blog post.

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