Thursday 15 April 2010

Evaluation 1

Over the duration of this module I've produced some work i am thoroughly proud of and that demonstrates my abilities as a designer and the things i have learnt whilst studying on the course. I have at times slacked off and had to rearrange my timetables and plans and over the Easter period had a lot of work to catch up but as of now i am on schedule and have a plan that will see me through until the deadline. Due to my own poor time management i have had to produce work under stricter deadlines and have learnt a lot more about my own work ethic and abilities when working under pressure. Often at times i find myself working solely on my mac as i tend to fly through ideas quicker and more effectively; as apposed to on paper. I realise this is an example of bad design practice and that i will struggle to pick up marks but i believe i also explore enough possibilities to inform my decisions, as apposed to just generating ideas for the sake of marking.

For the remainder of the module i will be answering two briefs. The first is the continuation of the Art and Design Interdisciplinary Year Book in collaboration with Andrew McGowan. The second is a brief i have developed myself and works alongside my PPD, future aspirations and Design Context. In the Summer of 2011 i will embark on a three month trip across the United States, in preparation of this trip i plan on producing a booklet that acts as a financial saving guide and also a guide of different design studios and artists who i plan on visiting on my trip.
I'm producing this as part of FMP as i believe the workload is quiet vast and will require too much time/research to be an additional brief just for PPD. It will be A Designers Guide to the USA. This also presents an opportunity for a series of booklets such as A Designers Guide to Europe, Asia, Australasia.

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