Saturday 16 January 2010

Initial Ideas / Proposals

The work over this module will focus upon two disciplines: screen printing and editorial/ type based work. I want to focus upon the aesthetics of my work to produce visually engaging work and pay more attention upon the delivery and production of my ideas. I wish to explore stock options and different print methods in more detail.

The briefs i've found form a basic outline of what my FMP will look like.

I have never incorporated my love of films into my work and figure this is the perfect opportunity to do it justice.

Lately i've been exploring more type and layout work and using my interest in this to develop my indesign skills. During the last module, i learnt the essential basics and want to explore the software in more detail. 

My love of movies is the basis of my own design brief i want to take on by recreating movie posters  from Empire movies TOP 10 Movies of All Time. I want to produce visually engaging simple posters that communicate the theme of the movie. I want these to be a collection of screen prints that could be sold at the Leeds Book Fair.

3) I've got an idea that continues again with my movie theme. Adidas are producing a series of Star Wars inspired clothing and accessories. My general idea was to produce a series of Star Wars posters (2 for each original film) - an empire set and a jedi set. I want to try and incorporate the Adidas stripes and iconic Star Wars imagery.

7 Deadly Sins International Graphic Contest is to create a poster or series of posters based around the 7 Deadly Sins. I don't want to produce just a poster so i plan on creating a series of posters but aswell produce a series of zines about (one for each) the deadly sins.

Full Frame poster competition. The basis of this year for me is promotion and getting my name out there. This brief would be a quick one week brief as i don't want to focus too much time on it. I don't really want to further the brief any further. Its quiet nice to have a simple one product brief to vary your time.

Below is jpegs of my  initially written out briefs:






Along side the development and presentation of my work i will be producing a book of my contextual research (design context blog). I'm going to incorporate elements of my dissertation; specifically quotes about originality as a narrative to follow my design influences and decisions.

Umbrella Statement
Exploration of illustration and type through print delivery with emphasis on context, stock and print processes.

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